Thursday, May 3, 2012

Last one of Student Teaching...Adios y bienvenidos el VERANO!!

Today is the last day of student teaching. It is surreal that it is the end of my college career today. Officially I will graduate this Saturday, CINCO DE MAYO!!, and be completed with my post-secondary education. I have learned a great amount of material from my cooperating teachers these last 12 weeks. I have improved greatly with my own goals and look forward to beginning my future career in Nebraska.
Throughout these last four years I have done so much. I have travelled the world, succeeded in living on my own, maintained over a B average, and completed all the requirements to become a Spanish teacher and my history minor. When students ask why I would want to do student teaching and why not just go into the profession, I answer with no I am so glad that I have been able to practice. That is what this job is about. Practice makes it better. I feel bad for my first block students, because I feel that those classes never went great. They were ok, but by the time that I did it 3 more times it was much better. My future goal is to get better at beginning all my classes and making them fluid throughout the times teaching it.
I have been overwhelmed with all the things that are coming to head in the near future, but now I know I can do it. I have come to realize with the help of the words of someone that my confidence has been lacking. I know it and received words of advice to help me through it and to keep going. Having those people around that support me and give me strength to keep going is what I am grateful for. I do not know what I would do without these people. My sig. other has helped me out significantly and I don’t know what I would do without him.
I wish all my fellow student teachers good luck in their future endeavors. Go get them. Don’t give up and keep pushing yourself to do your best. Go DWU baseball (conference tourney today). Cinco de Mayo here I come.
El fin,
Chau Chau