Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

It is the end of February and what do we have here in South Dakota?? We have rain. Humongous rain drops and it will all most likely freeze tomorrow. As most of the other schools in south dakota are either closed or starting late, I am afraid that we will be missing out on that boat. We are not getting any of the 10-18 inches that other people are getting, just rain. Today was a long day even when it was our shortest. I stayed with Ethan last night and caught up on how he has been doing. His team has away games last weekend and could not pull out a win. They have the potential and have the guys to do it, just need to put it all together and use it.

Yesterday I taught my three classes, and boy did I feel for those kids. The lesson wasn't eventful, but more of a real lesson and it just seemed odd not having an activity.Today was ok, but NO Technology was working. It was our  day to have things fail on us first of all Michelle got the clickers from the high school, spent time there this morning getting it figured out (didn't get desired answers), the installed program didn't work after being reinstalled, and finally the overhead projector's light bulb burned out. Last week our LCD lightbulb burned out and now this. I also couldn't get the projector to turn on, what a fun day. The students were well-behaved for the most part today and even with the mix ups we got things figured out today.

So I kind of want a snow day tomorrow, but we really have no time to spare for our class and i need to keep learning. I am almost done with my third lesson plan formation and will be moving on to the others along with its sub plans. I will be going to the teacher job fair in Sioux Falls. I am excited for it, but not sure what will happen there in regards to a job. I have an interview for Upward Bound tomorrow through skype )cross my fingers it works).

Today was a run day and I have to be pretty proud of myself today. I need to do laundry, finish my lesson plans, get my goals done and just keep working on my lps. I am starting to realize that this is hard, its like your real life and

My grandmother (mom's side_ passed away on Sunday and god bless all of her grandkids, kids and family.

I am off to bed, because I am so tired.  i hope to inform you all of so much more information tomorrow. Until then. Chau Chau

Friday, February 24, 2012

School's Out for the SNOWFALL

Well I didn't end up teaching all classes yesterday. This first block I went over to the high school and got my school computer. (finally) I returned to the Middle School and went to our tech people to get it on the network. Later I returned to class and watched the last half of the lesson being presented. I taught G2 and G3 yesterday, but not G4. Yesterday began with a lot of snow and it was very wet outside. By 1:00 students knew that we were getting out early and became a little rowdy. We had our SRB class and then I would have last hour for 9 minutes. We do not let the students get behind, so I had to go through the new vocabulary, but they would not get the repetition like the other classes so they would be on their own. Stayed until almost 4 but it felt weird cause it seemed like I was out so early.

Today, Friday, went better. It was  black day and I taught the last class today. This is my quietest class and I would say the most intimidating class. No one said a word in the class for the first ten minutes or so. SOOOO awkward. I tried to get them involved as much as I could and did end up succeeding at the end of class. When I got them all to say the last answer with me I was so happy and grinning from ear to ear. Even got some people to talk to me in class that hadn't before. One boy was falling asleep literally, saw him doing the head nod (had to go wake him up--not to embarrass him in front of peers), two other boys not paying attention and used my I messages!! Woot Woot point for me!

Our classes today learned the difference between two verbs that mean the same thing. It's a hard concept, but these kids are so smart. We read a story (full page in Spanish-single spaced) and kids were surprised that they could read the whole thing. After reading the story they illustrated the scenes so we knew that they understood it. It was a good day and things went well. School computer is giving me problems, but that is the least of my worries.

Off to Sufu tomorrow just for me. Have a dinner party tomorrow night and then off to bed. Run 6 miles sunday and lesson planning. I got 2 done--just need to polish them up and on to the next 4. Its the end of two weeks student teaching and I only have a month left!


Working on I messages
Trying to incorporate constructive criticism notes into lessons


Pacing in class--feel like I go through it all too fast
A way to self-ventilate (it is so hot standing in the front of the room all day, teaching, participating in activities--mexican hat dance, and more)

Week 3 here I come.
Hablamos más tarde
Chau Chau

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday...wait no it's Wednesday.

Today was a long day even though it was my shortest. I am just overtired today and was not 'with it' today. My withitness was lacking. Today I did teach one class and it went well, but was SOOO intimidating. This is probably the quietest class we have, smartest, but the quietest and was so intimidating being up front when they would all just look at you with those blank stare faces. I just wanted to say DO YOU GET IT nod your head and say SI o NO. Ahh. Oh and the projection screen would not stay down again, of course that would happen and even a student could not get it to work.

One thing that my CT pointed out and I was not even aware of its ripple effect until the end of class when she told me: I had a student participate in the game and then stay over there instead of returning to his seat. I just said that he would skip his next turn and he said oh well that doesn't matter...RED FLAG!! This kid was trying to get one over on me and he did. I didn't think anything of it until my CT said that that action is not to be tolerated. I need to ask him to return to his seat and if ignored to give him an infraction. This was told to me now before anything else drastic happened. After this happened there was a student who refused to participate and complete his worksheet and will get a 0 for his grade that day. I will be more conscience of my surroundings because tomorrow is going to test me.

I am teaching all day tomorrow. It is an easy topic that I can do, but I have no planning period and it is my longest day of classes tomorrow. I feel ready for it and up for the challenge, but I need those behavior management models to start kicking into my brain right about now. I am feeling a little unease because my first class tomorrow is our biggest and the most rowdy, I will need to keep the class going tomorrow and not allow any mishaps.

So here we go. I am not working on what I should tonight because I am shot, but I did finish my job application. I can get caught up tomorrow and get back on schedule as the weekend draws near. Wish me luck for tomorrow and here we go, 1st full day.

Suerte a sí mismo y a dios le pido

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long Vacation is Over

Today was back to reality and it was ok, except that I was real tired. Sometimes I wish that I could just go back to my bed and sleep for a while longer, but I can't do that now can I? :) It was our gold day today, meaning no planning block and real long. It went well it was just transitioning from the long vacation weekend and the fact that we didn't start on a Monday, but rather a Tuesday.

I taught the last two blocks and they went well. This first block had 20 minutes of lecture and then were off to lunch, I think that it is quite odd to split it up like that, but hey if it works its all good. After lunch they returned and only a few things went wrong in class: The screen to project/hide things on the board would not stay down, and then I forgot what my next topic was to do, embarrassing for me--who knows if the students even noticed (I think some did). The last class of the day went well and we had a productive day.

I am starting to find out that NO MATTER how much I LOVE my content area, there are those students who don't care (unless are there to work with them individually), or merely do not understand the content and are struggling. I have been trying to reach to as many students as I can, but I am not sure if it is making a difference. I try to include as many kids as I can in class participation, but don't believe everyone is on board. I understand that I was destined to find out that NOT everybody loves Spanish as much as I do, but that I need to care for the student just the same and help him/her achieve their own success as a student.

I am working on names, but I AM getting better!! Its hard not seeing the student everyday and not knowing their real name let alone their Spanish name. 'I' messages are going slightly better, and my main concern is still discipline. Kids will be kids, but I do not want to get ran over by them.

I worked on my lesson plans this past weekend and will need to significantly retouch them in order to script out my moves in the classroom. I am getting my activities together and just mainly everything to make the class run smoothly and make it understandable to the students. It is hard work, but I am getting there. The kids are making their adjustments in being comfortable talking to me, asking me questions, letting me sign their planner, and being all around comfortable with me.

I am learning SOOOO MUCH from my CT and she is the sweetest lady. She loves to share and is open ears to new ideas and lays it out there in order that I can improve and achieve my goals. It is sad that it is only such a short time, because there is so much I want to learn and experience but I know that it will continue in the high school. Can you believe that tomorrow is Wednesday and that this is the middle of my second week and I feel like it has been forever?

Well its off to bed I go and I am exhausted so lets see what tomorrow brings.

Ps I need some motivation to keep me going on my training. Could not run today so decided to bike (treadmills are not made for long runs=boring) thank you snow yesterday. I need to stay on track because the runs are getting longer and need to train my knee (so it doesn't hurt so much anymore). Any ideas let me know. :)

Chau Chau a todos
Buenas noches, que duerman muy bien.

Monday, February 20, 2012

2nd day of LPs

Well woke up today to noise of a wet road and found out it had snowed last night. My knee is still SORE right now so I am icing it. Today is the day where I finish up my lesson plans and get organized for this next week. I have a lot to do today and hope I have the energy to do it. Today is no shortcut day, so things will get done. I went ice skating last night (it has been a while since I have gone) and just relaxed at home after.

Hablamos más tarde.

Well Lesson plans are typed and printed, but I need to finish my sub plans, goals, and my vocab quiz. Finally I need to figure out what I am doing with the bulletin board. I have my ideas, but I just need to figure out how I am going to arrange my ideas. Yikes.

So after 5 hours at the library I got a lot done, and now off to get some more done. My long weekend is over and back to school I go. BTW I will be teaching the last two classes tomorrow! Lets see how that goes. UFFDAH

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lesson Plan Day

Today is Sunday of my 4 day weekend and it has already been an adventure. Thursday night went out to dinner with my good friend, saw my CT from the High School (will be there in 5 weeks or so), Friday went to the Cities to watch the BF and his team win 3 out of 4 games. Finally roadtripped back yesterday and just had a relaxing evening watching Moneyball with Ethan. Today was my long run day-5.5 miles (training for a half marathon-13.1 miles) and it sure is WINDY out there. It was the hardest run today and my knee was killing by the time I was done. I need to figure out why it hurts so bad.

N e who, back to my Lesson Planning and figuring out how to incorporate all my ideas into my lessons and teach 8th graders Commands and Direct object Pronouns--UFFDAH! Will be back later.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2nd Day

Well yesterday was test day. We reviewed a little bit of everything that would be on the test for the kids and then they took the test. A lot did not pass the test and need to redo. I was very confused by it because the study guide and the review were practically the test and the students didn't put two and two together. So today is a Gold day (no planning period) so it will be a long one and we will see how the students take to it.

Valentine's day was a hit in school with the lip suckers and making Spanish valentines after the test (my idea--Score!). My valentine's day was ok, nothing much which was fine. I was a little upset because a few people that I wanted to ask me how my first day went did not and then one of them thought it was ok to ignore me all day. :( Oh well all done and over.

Today is another test day and I am just working on ideas for my lesson plans and getting ready to get going! This weekend is Ethan's first game (he will be pitching Friday) and practically the whole family is going. I was not deciding on going, but his whole family practically and of course that would be enough to twist my arm! So Friday I am leaving with a couple girls and we are headed to the cities! We will come back on Saturday after their 7:00 AM GAME!! Then it is slumber party time at my place! Woot Woot. I have a 4 day weekend and will be getting my Lps done this weekend (at least the majority of them).

Behavior Models
Getting to know the students (majority of the names)
Forming that relationship

Running and saw some of my students!
Smile at all students
There for help

Chau y hasta esta noche.
Día 3 vengo!

Monday, February 13, 2012

1st Day Teaching

Today was my first day. I was very excited and nervous in the same moment.

We are on a block schedule and I didn't notice how long the day gets with no planning period and we are teaching the exact same class four times a day 80 minutes long. We are reviewing for the chapter 5 test which is tomorrow and it was quite an experience. I have been in block classes myself, but not since high school and have never taught in one myself so today was different for me. I actually got to teach my last class today (those that I had seen on my visitation day) and let me tell you it was different. I knew the order in which I was supposed to present the material, but those middle schoolers were in that END of the day mode. They know that it is their last class and I was a bit nervous to make sure that I had included all the material that my CT gave to the previous classes.

Well here is how it went: I introduced myself (accidentally said my first name), passed out the needed papers (not enough for all students), went through the script to find all the unfamiliar words (answered my own questions of the definitions and meanings), started going straight to the movie (was supposed to have kids speak the character lines--did go back and do that before movie), sat down during movie and a student was laying his head down during the movie (which I did not notice). When the movie was over went through the thing at the bottom of page which I was supposed to talk about before movie, but covered well, finally when giving directions for stations I didn't explain one station thorough enough and forgot to mention required materials only did when they were moving which kind of was like controlling chaos.

Overall it was a good day. These things that I missed or feel like I did not do so well is ok, because it was my first day and those things are common in any classroom. There were a few kids that did push my buttons and I am going through my behavior sheets and trying to think of management models I can use to adjust in my classroom. There were a few classes that were super easy and studious, but then again the first and last class were more rowdy and testy and not willing to participate, but what teacher doesn't accept challenges.

Improvements that can be made:

Improve on my WITHITNESS--Jacob Kounin
Include the proper amount of wait time in order that the students can answer the questions I ask
Be patient (don't speed through activities, because what I understand easy isn't so easy for 8th Graders)
These are 8th graders and not high schoolers (the materials they are learning are difficult be sympathetic)

Good things:

Encouragement to the students
Ability to be stern and be an authority figure rather than a friend in the classroom
Friendly and welcoming
Passionate about content
Take the constructive criticism and put it into action next available opportunity

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Will be teaching last hour too (more review and test time)