Monday, February 13, 2012

1st Day Teaching

Today was my first day. I was very excited and nervous in the same moment.

We are on a block schedule and I didn't notice how long the day gets with no planning period and we are teaching the exact same class four times a day 80 minutes long. We are reviewing for the chapter 5 test which is tomorrow and it was quite an experience. I have been in block classes myself, but not since high school and have never taught in one myself so today was different for me. I actually got to teach my last class today (those that I had seen on my visitation day) and let me tell you it was different. I knew the order in which I was supposed to present the material, but those middle schoolers were in that END of the day mode. They know that it is their last class and I was a bit nervous to make sure that I had included all the material that my CT gave to the previous classes.

Well here is how it went: I introduced myself (accidentally said my first name), passed out the needed papers (not enough for all students), went through the script to find all the unfamiliar words (answered my own questions of the definitions and meanings), started going straight to the movie (was supposed to have kids speak the character lines--did go back and do that before movie), sat down during movie and a student was laying his head down during the movie (which I did not notice). When the movie was over went through the thing at the bottom of page which I was supposed to talk about before movie, but covered well, finally when giving directions for stations I didn't explain one station thorough enough and forgot to mention required materials only did when they were moving which kind of was like controlling chaos.

Overall it was a good day. These things that I missed or feel like I did not do so well is ok, because it was my first day and those things are common in any classroom. There were a few kids that did push my buttons and I am going through my behavior sheets and trying to think of management models I can use to adjust in my classroom. There were a few classes that were super easy and studious, but then again the first and last class were more rowdy and testy and not willing to participate, but what teacher doesn't accept challenges.

Improvements that can be made:

Improve on my WITHITNESS--Jacob Kounin
Include the proper amount of wait time in order that the students can answer the questions I ask
Be patient (don't speed through activities, because what I understand easy isn't so easy for 8th Graders)
These are 8th graders and not high schoolers (the materials they are learning are difficult be sympathetic)

Good things:

Encouragement to the students
Ability to be stern and be an authority figure rather than a friend in the classroom
Friendly and welcoming
Passionate about content
Take the constructive criticism and put it into action next available opportunity

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Will be teaching last hour too (more review and test time)

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