Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lesson Plan Day

Today is Sunday of my 4 day weekend and it has already been an adventure. Thursday night went out to dinner with my good friend, saw my CT from the High School (will be there in 5 weeks or so), Friday went to the Cities to watch the BF and his team win 3 out of 4 games. Finally roadtripped back yesterday and just had a relaxing evening watching Moneyball with Ethan. Today was my long run day-5.5 miles (training for a half marathon-13.1 miles) and it sure is WINDY out there. It was the hardest run today and my knee was killing by the time I was done. I need to figure out why it hurts so bad.

N e who, back to my Lesson Planning and figuring out how to incorporate all my ideas into my lessons and teach 8th graders Commands and Direct object Pronouns--UFFDAH! Will be back later.

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