Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday...wait no it's Wednesday.

Today was a long day even though it was my shortest. I am just overtired today and was not 'with it' today. My withitness was lacking. Today I did teach one class and it went well, but was SOOO intimidating. This is probably the quietest class we have, smartest, but the quietest and was so intimidating being up front when they would all just look at you with those blank stare faces. I just wanted to say DO YOU GET IT nod your head and say SI o NO. Ahh. Oh and the projection screen would not stay down again, of course that would happen and even a student could not get it to work.

One thing that my CT pointed out and I was not even aware of its ripple effect until the end of class when she told me: I had a student participate in the game and then stay over there instead of returning to his seat. I just said that he would skip his next turn and he said oh well that doesn't matter...RED FLAG!! This kid was trying to get one over on me and he did. I didn't think anything of it until my CT said that that action is not to be tolerated. I need to ask him to return to his seat and if ignored to give him an infraction. This was told to me now before anything else drastic happened. After this happened there was a student who refused to participate and complete his worksheet and will get a 0 for his grade that day. I will be more conscience of my surroundings because tomorrow is going to test me.

I am teaching all day tomorrow. It is an easy topic that I can do, but I have no planning period and it is my longest day of classes tomorrow. I feel ready for it and up for the challenge, but I need those behavior management models to start kicking into my brain right about now. I am feeling a little unease because my first class tomorrow is our biggest and the most rowdy, I will need to keep the class going tomorrow and not allow any mishaps.

So here we go. I am not working on what I should tonight because I am shot, but I did finish my job application. I can get caught up tomorrow and get back on schedule as the weekend draws near. Wish me luck for tomorrow and here we go, 1st full day.

Suerte a sí mismo y a dios le pido

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