Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2nd Day

Well yesterday was test day. We reviewed a little bit of everything that would be on the test for the kids and then they took the test. A lot did not pass the test and need to redo. I was very confused by it because the study guide and the review were practically the test and the students didn't put two and two together. So today is a Gold day (no planning period) so it will be a long one and we will see how the students take to it.

Valentine's day was a hit in school with the lip suckers and making Spanish valentines after the test (my idea--Score!). My valentine's day was ok, nothing much which was fine. I was a little upset because a few people that I wanted to ask me how my first day went did not and then one of them thought it was ok to ignore me all day. :( Oh well all done and over.

Today is another test day and I am just working on ideas for my lesson plans and getting ready to get going! This weekend is Ethan's first game (he will be pitching Friday) and practically the whole family is going. I was not deciding on going, but his whole family practically and of course that would be enough to twist my arm! So Friday I am leaving with a couple girls and we are headed to the cities! We will come back on Saturday after their 7:00 AM GAME!! Then it is slumber party time at my place! Woot Woot. I have a 4 day weekend and will be getting my Lps done this weekend (at least the majority of them).

Behavior Models
Getting to know the students (majority of the names)
Forming that relationship

Running and saw some of my students!
Smile at all students
There for help

Chau y hasta esta noche.
Día 3 vengo!

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