Friday, February 24, 2012

School's Out for the SNOWFALL

Well I didn't end up teaching all classes yesterday. This first block I went over to the high school and got my school computer. (finally) I returned to the Middle School and went to our tech people to get it on the network. Later I returned to class and watched the last half of the lesson being presented. I taught G2 and G3 yesterday, but not G4. Yesterday began with a lot of snow and it was very wet outside. By 1:00 students knew that we were getting out early and became a little rowdy. We had our SRB class and then I would have last hour for 9 minutes. We do not let the students get behind, so I had to go through the new vocabulary, but they would not get the repetition like the other classes so they would be on their own. Stayed until almost 4 but it felt weird cause it seemed like I was out so early.

Today, Friday, went better. It was  black day and I taught the last class today. This is my quietest class and I would say the most intimidating class. No one said a word in the class for the first ten minutes or so. SOOOO awkward. I tried to get them involved as much as I could and did end up succeeding at the end of class. When I got them all to say the last answer with me I was so happy and grinning from ear to ear. Even got some people to talk to me in class that hadn't before. One boy was falling asleep literally, saw him doing the head nod (had to go wake him up--not to embarrass him in front of peers), two other boys not paying attention and used my I messages!! Woot Woot point for me!

Our classes today learned the difference between two verbs that mean the same thing. It's a hard concept, but these kids are so smart. We read a story (full page in Spanish-single spaced) and kids were surprised that they could read the whole thing. After reading the story they illustrated the scenes so we knew that they understood it. It was a good day and things went well. School computer is giving me problems, but that is the least of my worries.

Off to Sufu tomorrow just for me. Have a dinner party tomorrow night and then off to bed. Run 6 miles sunday and lesson planning. I got 2 done--just need to polish them up and on to the next 4. Its the end of two weeks student teaching and I only have a month left!


Working on I messages
Trying to incorporate constructive criticism notes into lessons


Pacing in class--feel like I go through it all too fast
A way to self-ventilate (it is so hot standing in the front of the room all day, teaching, participating in activities--mexican hat dance, and more)

Week 3 here I come.
Hablamos más tarde
Chau Chau

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