Monday, February 20, 2012

2nd day of LPs

Well woke up today to noise of a wet road and found out it had snowed last night. My knee is still SORE right now so I am icing it. Today is the day where I finish up my lesson plans and get organized for this next week. I have a lot to do today and hope I have the energy to do it. Today is no shortcut day, so things will get done. I went ice skating last night (it has been a while since I have gone) and just relaxed at home after.

Hablamos más tarde.

Well Lesson plans are typed and printed, but I need to finish my sub plans, goals, and my vocab quiz. Finally I need to figure out what I am doing with the bulletin board. I have my ideas, but I just need to figure out how I am going to arrange my ideas. Yikes.

So after 5 hours at the library I got a lot done, and now off to get some more done. My long weekend is over and back to school I go. BTW I will be teaching the last two classes tomorrow! Lets see how that goes. UFFDAH

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